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Flex Timeline

The goal for our Interactions research project was to understand what makes a great experience for end customers as they communicate with their brands. Through this research we identified Timeline as one of the most desired features to improve personalization and their relationship. 





Target Audience

Customer Service

Research Strategy


  • Understand what users require in a timeline to support their customer needs.

  • Understand, in our current designs, what information at a glance is needed to support the end customer and if it provides sufficient value

Conduct in person interviews, including a brainstorm activity to understand the information needed by reps so support their customers. 
We followed this activity with  a usability test with two variations of the design.

8 non Flex customers; 4 agents and 4 supervisors.


Design A:

Events organized by time and grouped by specific claim.

Design B:

Events organized by time.

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Brainstorm Activity

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Research Findings

Research highlights:

  • Notes are incredibly valuable to access from the timeline.

  • Third party tools are used by most to document notes and customer information.

  • Customer details are useful to support a customer.

  • Having color coding and visuals are valuable to see the status’ at a glance.

  • Timeline will save the representatives time when supporting customers.

  • The way the interactions are organized is subjective to the needs of the company.

  • Sorting by years was valuable but not everyone was easily able to find it.

Detailed takeaways based on the objectives:

Understand what users require in a timeline to support their customer needs

Key findings

  • 5/8 said notes are incredibly valuable to access from the timeline.

  • 8/8 said third party tools were used by most to document notes and customer information.

  • 8/8 said customer details would be useful to support a customer.

  • 5/8 said they would like to know what representatives handled previous interactions

  • 4/8 said they would like to know dates and times of past interactions



  • Keep date, time and agent information

  • Link out to customer information and notes


Understand in our current designs, what information at a glance is needed to support the end customer and if it provides sufficient value 

Key findings

  • 4/8 said having color coding and visuals were valuable to see the status’ at a glance.

  • 6/8 believed timeline would save the representatives time when supporting customers

  • 2/8  thought the agent icon was confusing

  • 4/8 preferred grouping by interaction

  • 4/8 mentioned wanting sort/filter

  • 2/8 preferred chronologically for their use case

  • Sorting by years was valuable but not everyone was easily able to find it.

  • On a scale of 1-5, 3.56/5 teammates are likely to use the timeline

  • On a scale of 1-5, 4/5 they would use the timeline

  • On a scale of 1-5, 4.5/5 found the information in the timeline useful



  • Revise the sorting by year

  • Revise the agent icon

  • Keep grouping by interaction

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