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Shoppify Onboarding

When installing the Algolia Search & Discovery integration into the Shopify app, approximately 35% of uninstalls occur within the first day. Reviews from the Shopify App Store indicate that our complex onboarding process contributes significantly to these uninstalls.





Target Audience

PLG customers, who are self-installing our Shopify integration.

Non-technical, first time users who are often the first to install and set up Algolia on behalf of their organizations
Technical users who have never used Algolia before

Business Problems

1. A significant portion of uninstalls occur within the first day or within an hour of app installation, resulting in lost opportunities and impacting customer retention.

2. Uninstalls affects our marketing effectiveness and with a 35% same day uninstallation rate in 2023, reducing this figure is vital, especially for PLG customers who have much less Algolia resources supporting them.

Customer Problems/Feedback

Inefficient onboarding hinders quick integration and launch.  Our Shopify app store reviews and team feedback highlight a steep learning curve for setting up and using Algolia.


This is exemplified in the reasons given by users for uninstalling our application:​​


“It is very difficult to set up and use. You need an IT expert to be able to use this application. I’ve spent days trying to find a way to use it, but it doesn't work. The support team responds very slowly.” - Customer


“Beware - You will need a full stack developer to install this app for you - no plug - and - play setup. Even for minor adjustments, there is no in-app dashboard to customize. ” - Customer

Project Goals

  • Customers perceive the setup experience to be very simple and doable, regardless of technical ability, if provided with clear guidance.

  • Customers who complete a basic setup reach their value realization moment unlike those who can’t, which will lead to:

    • Reduced week one uninstall rate. With users less prone to uninstalling within the first week, Algolia will have a longer opportunity to showcase our other features and value proposition, which can then lead to increased MRR/ARR if the customer is retained on a monetized plan.

    • Less negative reviews being left in the app store where complexity is the main complaint. This will help us retain/achieve new Shopify certifications that boost our visibility in the app store.

    • CSE/CSM and Support teams will spend less time helping merchants get set up.

Tested Designs

Research Findings


The Data Org/App X team ran a test on the updated Shopify Onboarding experience, we wanted to validate its ease of use and to understand what makes an ideal onboarding experience.


  • Understand if users are able to complete the onboarding steps

  • Understand what would make for an ideal onboarding experience

Method & Recruitment

We ran an unmoderated usability test through with 15 participants.

Recruitment Requirements

  • Buyer/Purchaser/Influencers

  • Mix of company sizes

  • Experience with Shopify

  • Has a retail store with search

  • Prospective Client

In this study we wanted to understand how a user would set up the Algolia Search & Discovery integration in their Shopify online store.

Key Takeaways

  • Users understood the choices available in the initial screen, but the current design does not allow them to change their mind if they make a mistake.

  • Users were not aware that they could add both Algolia Search features, it was also unclear that they needed to follow documentation as well as select the add to theme button.

  • The documentation link was not apparent, and users only realized it was there when prompted to select it. The documentation in itself was easy to to understand and follow, they loved having screenshots along with text. The documentation was so simple they believed that it should be integrated in the checklist. 

  • The badges indicating if a feature was enabled was not clearly understood. Users would test the feature after enabling it.

  • Users believed that by selecting [Activate] that it would automatically activate their analytics.

Final Designs

Success Metrics

  • No new negative reviews

  • Onboarding completion rate is at 50.7%

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